I woke up recently with roaring negative thoughts, they were so intense and I could feel the voices at every corner of my brain.
“Mercy, you are not good enough”, ” “you didn’t do well”, you are this, you are that, it went on and on. They all sounded like afro beat medley in my head.
I broke down a couple of times but managed to watch couple of YouTube videos to get inspiration. I thought to myself if one could ever eliminate self doubt in their minds? Or eternally block negative thoughts from their brain ? Well I later found out from Mel Robbins that having negative thoughts and feelings will always spring up at any point in our lives and the only way to overcome it is to take ACTION.
Every human being struggle with moments of imposter syndrome. It is called intellectual self doubt where you feel you are not competent enough. It often occur when you start thinking of doing something but you are having self doubt. Some times, you will feel that you are unworthy or believe people will start perceiving you as not competent enough to carry out a certain task.
Wherever you find your self in this situation, at first, realized that it is “Imposter Syndrome” , this is it’s devilish name. Especially if you are a writer , an artist, actor, executive manager, a director, etc. This feeling can happen to anybody, including renown persons we model after, they all have their moments of ” imposter syndrome”.
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To coach yourself through this syndrome, Mel Robbins suggests that you still take ACTION amidst the self doubt episodes. It is important you focus on taking action of writing that book, crafting that sculpture, presenting that lecture, making a post on your social media, taking opportunity to air out your views to your target audience, doing that spoken would, starting that business in your mind, regardless of the aggressiveness thought of unworthiness in your mind.
When you finally consent to taking that action, you will then know you are not an imposter after all. But if you focus on the thoughts of self doubt, you will definitely find your self overthinking and you will not get things done. If you take action despite the feeling, you will subdue the power of the Syndrome.
So each time it pops up, call its name – ” Imposter Syndrome” , go ahead and conquer it by taking Action.
Just in the words of Mel Gibson,
” Feeling Nervous is Normal but Letting it stop you is a Choice”
The important idea to note is, you will always feel like an imposter but decide to move on to do what you want to do anyway. In simple terms, act on it.